Gentry Underwood has created a website for comments from those for whom the Bruderhof Communty website played an important role in our crazy lives.
Here is his comment:
I’ve just created a site — —
where folks who want to express thanks or regret about
going offline can do so. i’m going to compile it all together and
send it to them…
please pass the word around….
Indeed – pass the word!
Daily Archives: December 9, 2005
I am so…
Here is the latest, and last, Daily Dig from the Bruderhof Communities:
Your Last Dig
“The work is more important than the talking and the writing about the work.” – Dorothy Day
“There have been enough words, enough sermons and books. What matters now is deeds.” – Emmy Arnold
Dear Reader:
We will no longer be publishing online, so this will be your last Daily Dig. This is only the beginning, not the end. We want to thank you for your friendship over the years, and look forward to meeting you face to face. Now the real contact can begin. We welcome you to drop by any of our communities any time to join us in our daily life and work.
I checked their website – a wonderful and full collection of “Anabaptist” and intentional community information. A rich and deep web-presence. They even took down their website! I am so bummed.
What causes me concern is that this web-presence offered such an incredible alternative to the Religious Right and Fundamentalist stuff out there. Now, for a society that is becoming a majority unchurched, the only face of Christianity they increasingly see is the mean-spirited, egotistical, and rigid fundamentalism. This has nothing to do with “liberal” vs. “conservative.” It has everything to do with an image of the Christian community and life that upholds the essence of the Way of Christ – Love God with everything and love you neighbor as yourself. People being intentional to live at peace with all men, as much as it is possible for you. It is such a far cry from the “Americanized”-Religious Right members who are bent on imposing their theocratic view of everything upon the rest of society – for society’s own good, of course.
If we are not careful, and I mean we are at the tipping point, the only image of Christianity the public will see is rigid fundamentalism. Sojourners is a strong force, but just a drop in the bucket of other Christian websites that present such a culturally-compromised message. The Religious Right may claim Mainline Protestant and Anglican denominations have “compromised with the culture,” but they are blind to the fact that they have compromised at perhaps an even more profound level – the materialism of the “Prosperity” message, the equating of American nationalism with the faith, militarism, support of public policies and laws that enrichment the wealthy at the expense of the poor (and I am no socialist!), the support for theocracy over democracy through ideas such as Dominion Theology, etc. What are we going to do? What must be done?