Next Year

Christmas is now over. Boxing Day has passed (if we observed such a thing in the U.S.).
Next year will be a very different Christmas, and I do not think I will like the way it progresses. I want to be home with my family on Christmas (during Christmas time), but more-than-likely I will be involved with a parish and Christmas will revolve around a congregation, without a family of my own.


I watched a TV show yesterday on PAX television entitled: “Faith Under Fire.” The premise of the show is to bring on guest participants holding opposing views on important and often controversial issues within the Church dealing with faith and society.
Yesterday, one of the segments dealt with the Christian faith in the 21st century, with guests Bishop Shelby Spong (retired Episcopal Bishop of Newark who is quite controversial for advocating a “new” Christianity for the sake of the religion’s survival within the 21st century) and the president of a Southern Baptist seminary (I do not remember which seminary or the guyç—´ name, but he held to the current American-Fundamentalist position). They sparred!
Others have told me that I am too generous concerning my belief that the majority of those of the American American-Fundamentalists/Religious Right-Evangelicals are honest people wanting to know Truth just like me or anyone else. Those who make this accusation of me are themselves American-Evangelicals. Maybe I place too much faith and hope in what they say concerning their desire for Truth no matter what, and concerning their desire to love God and their neighbor. I don’t know. Maybe. I’m starting to think I do.

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Just stuff

I’ve been listening to Skott Freedman after a very long while of not, and putting together stuff for my General Ordination Exams.
Skott Freedman is a wonderful performer – whenever I listen to his music he puts me in some kind of mood. Not really melancholy, although his music does cause me to think back and consider all those things that could have been, might have been, if only.
I went to see Alexander this afternoon with a fellow seminarian – another Bob. I wondered how explicitly Stone portrayed Alexander’s bi/homosexuality. Between Alexander (Colin Farrell) and Hephaistion (Jared Leto), well, I think it would be difficult for someone who had no idea of Alexander’s persuasion not to notice something was going on. I think Stone accomplished the fact tastefully.
Anyway, on the walk back to the seminary, Bob and I talked about a variety of things – mostly about relationships. Freedman, the movie, our conversation brought up memories of my first relationship experience. It was tough. Both of us were fraught with guilt, and of course it did not last, although we remained friends for a while. It has been a very long time since I have spoken with him, but a first love is never forgotten.
He ended up marrying. She later found out about the history. I was asked never to contact him again. I googled him just now and found out that he has established a studio, which does very much suit him. I don’t know whether they remain married. I wonder about his (their) two children, or perhaps more, who will be in their teens by now. I hope and pray he is happy.
Those things that might have been, could have been. Farrell portrayed his love and devotion for his boyhood friend, companion, his love. My thoughts go back to first things and what might have been. Acceptance of oneself, before God and all humanity, is a long process filled with many considerations and turns and decisions.
I hope and pray, God please, that he is happy with his life.


My last final exam is tomorrow in Ascetical Theology. I turned in my Liturgics paper today. I am taking an Incomplete in “Modern Western Thought on the Trinity and Christology” because I have far more to do in attempting to articulate some kind of personal understanding and competency in these two areas. I do not what to simply write a paper, but I want to come to terms with what I actually believe (well, really to competently articulate what I think I believe) concerning Christology.
One more semester to go, and six more months until I am ordained into the Transitional Deaconate (Lord willing and the creek don稚 rise). Of course, there is the little matter of finding gainful employment!

Emerging Church, UK

The Emerging Church conversation/movement gives me great hope. I believe it is a natural reaction against Baby Boomer American-Evangelicals (and their excesses, especially the politicizing of religion) by their children. Still falling within general Evangelical ideals, hesitant concerning American cultural infiltration, and yearning for the ancient, mysterious faith, it is a place were all is new again, yet in the ancient and tried form of faith rather than in the wholesale rejection of all things traditional. In many ways, it is the Church in kairos – of the past, present, and future!
Here is a discussion board from an Emerging Church website in the UK. The beginning question dealt with how the Emerging Church deals with the controversial issue of homosexuality. Here is the link.

this explains it…

From a Netscape Channels article:

Why Men Don’t Want to Talk at Night
What IS he thinking? After a hard day, he’s thinking he’d rather surf with the TV remote than talk to his lady love. And don’t nag him about the shoes he dropped on the family room floor or the clothes he left on the bedroom floor. He doesn’t even notice them.
That’s the word from social philosopher and author Michael Gurian, who claims that men are not lazy, sexist, or pigheaded. Instead, the male psyche is radically different than the female psyche due to distinct and profound biological differences in their brains.

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Stop and change

There is a point, well actually many points if one is consistent, in all of our lives, but especially in the lives of Christians, when we must stop and examine our lives and repent.
We all fail and fall short of what God desires for our lives – whether in our temporal or spiritual lives. We all approach God asking for forgiveness, if we abide by our baptismal covenant that is. There is more, however.
There comes a point (many points during life’s progression) when we must stop and repent – not only seek forgiveness, but turn away from that thing, whatever it may be, that stops our progression and interferes in our relationship(s) with God and with one another.
Living a Holy Life is possible; why is it impossible to live a holy life? Only in Christ, despite and through our failings, as long as we return to God in the midst of our failing and desire to live within the Way of God (life to the full!). Repent, and live.