I watched a TV show yesterday on PAX television entitled: “Faith Under Fire.” The premise of the show is to bring on guest participants holding opposing views on important and often controversial issues within the Church dealing with faith and society.
Yesterday, one of the segments dealt with the Christian faith in the 21st century, with guests Bishop Shelby Spong (retired Episcopal Bishop of Newark who is quite controversial for advocating a “new” Christianity for the sake of the religion’s survival within the 21st century) and the president of a Southern Baptist seminary (I do not remember which seminary or the guyç—´ name, but he held to the current American-Fundamentalist position). They sparred!
Others have told me that I am too generous concerning my belief that the majority of those of the American American-Fundamentalists/Religious Right-Evangelicals are honest people wanting to know Truth just like me or anyone else. Those who make this accusation of me are themselves American-Evangelicals. Maybe I place too much faith and hope in what they say concerning their desire for Truth no matter what, and concerning their desire to love God and their neighbor. I don’t know. Maybe. I’m starting to think I do.