I first learned that song in 1990 while doing campus ministry with Studenten für Christus in Germany. Es klingt auf Deutsch besser, ich denke. (Someone mentioned it in Facebook and it got me thinking about it… memories!)
Herr, das Licht Deiner Liebe leuchtet auf,
strahlt inmitten der Finsternis für uns auf.
Jesus, Du Licht der Welt sende uns Dein Licht.
Mach uns frei durch die Wahrheit, die jetzt anbricht.
Sei mein Licht, sei mein Licht!
Jesus, Dein Licht
füll dies Land mit des Vaters Ehre.
Komm Heil`ger Geist,
setz die Herzen in Brand!
Fließ Gnadenstrom,
überflute dies Land mit Liebe!
Sende Dein Wort,
Herr, Dein Licht strahle auf.
Herr, voll Ehrfurcht komm`ich zu Deinem Thron,
aus dem Dunkel ins Licht des Gottessohns.
Durch Dein Blut kann ich nun vor Dir stehen.
Prüf mich, Herr, laß mein Dunkel vergehen.,
sei mein Licht, sei mein Licht!
Jesus, Dein Licht
füll dies Land mit des Vaters Ehre.
Komm Heil`ger Geist,
setz die Herzen in Brand!
Fließ Gnadenstrom,
überflute dies Land mit Liebe!
Sende Dein Wort,
Herr, Dein Licht strahle auf.
Schau`n wir, König, zu Deinem Glanze auf,
dann strahlt Dein Bild auf unserm Antlitz auf.
Du hast Gnade um Gnade gegeben.
Dich widerspiegelnd erzähl`unser Leben
von Deinem Licht, von Deinem Licht!
Jesus, Dein Licht
füll dies Land mit des Vaters Ehre.
Komm Heil`ger Geist,
setz die Herzen in Brand!
Fließ Gnadenstrom,
überflute dies Land mit Liebe!
Sende Dein Wort,
Herr, Dein Licht strahle auf.
Originaltitel: Shine Jesus Shine
Deutsch: Manfred Schmidt
Daily Archives: January 4, 2010
New Times
The beginning of the year 2010… 2010 years in the designation of time that began with the life and death (and resurrection) of a Nazarene. (If the claim of resurrection was made then, I doubt time would have been designated different then the current method.) In these days of global plurality, it is often called CE or the “Common Era.” A.D. or “anno domini,” “the year of our Lord,” has fallen out of favor.
With the coming of each new year, there is a kind of optimism (hopefully) that the days ahead will be better than the days behind. I certainly feel this way. Sometimes, I know that the coming year will yield some very different experiences and outcomes – I will be changed. This is one of those years.
I will be changed through the experiences of the coming months, and I’m honestly excited to see how I’ve changed by this time next year. This is my last week at CPG. With the coming of next week, I take up my new position as Diocesan Missioner for the Red Hook Project and ImagoDei. What all that means, I have no clue at this point. I will be responsible for making it mean something and doing something that will benefit the cause of Christ in the Diocese of Long Island. I’ve nervous. I’m excited. I’m afraid. I’m expectant.
I will not be the same person I am right now at the beginning of 2011. By the grace of God, I will be more of the kind of person I was created to be, more able to love honestly, less hypocritical, more humble in my understanding of myself and the world around me, wiser to the ways of the Systems of this World and the Kingdom of God, and having a good and beneficial influence on those in my life – to be more fully the imago Dei to those around me. This is my hope.