We are a week into the Lambeth Conference – the once every 10 years conference of Anglican Bishops from around the world. Not all of the bishops are attending this conference – over 200 and some due to their belief that they cannot be in contact/communion with those they believe to be heretics or those who associate with such bishops.
The last Lambeth, I was all over it. Any bit of news or commentary I read. This time, I’m not. I think I am simply burned out on all the controversy, all the hypocrisy, all the misrepresentation and accusation, all the crap (a technical term, don’t you know). I’m surprised. I think, “I need to read up on what is going on!” I start to, and then just get this feeling of not wanting to even begin.
I’ve followed the Facebook reports and blogs of friends of mine that are at Lambeth as workers and volunteers. Their impressions are great, as are their pictures. But the “hard news,” really the selective reports of the regular ideological blogs, I just can’t work up an interest.
Too bad. I’ve been praying for the bishops and for the Communion. I hope the Holy Spirit’s influence will be allowed, present, perceptible, real in the experience of those involved.