From a Roman Catholic Perspective

This piece of opinion-writ comes from Sr. Joan Chittister in the July 15th edition of the National Catholic Reporter. She writes about the recent decision by the Church of England to move forward on the consecration of women to the episcopate and the possible impact on the Church of Rome. I like the way she thinks…
When is conversion not conversion?
By Joan Chittister, OSB
Just when you think that things are quieting down — at least on one front — someone sets off a landmine. This time it’s a theological one.
On July 11, the Church of England voted, 11 years after the ordination of the first Anglican women priests, to begin the legislative process that will now admit women to the episcopacy. Don’t for a minute think that the issue is finally resolved. Either for them or for us.
Theology is a tricky subject. You have to be careful when you’re trying to understand exactly what is being said — or how. It has an eel-like quality to it. It slips and slides. It changes its mind a lot more than the tone of its teachings imply. It can get all entwined in history — called tradition — and interpretation — often called revelation.

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