A bit of history

This was posted on the House of Bishops/Deputies listserv. It kind of puts things into perspective – there is nothing new under the sun. I love the last line!

A letter dated April, 1871 — Huntington, England. It helps to imagine similar conversations 133 years from now.
“Lizzie Swain is about being married to a young Wesleyan Minister Joseph who is a native of St. Albans and young Ted Potts at Leighton is going into the Wesleyan Ministry. He has passed his examination at the Quarterly meeting and will have to pass a more searching one at the District Meeting in May but I believe he will pass as he has got some stuff in him. Methodism may last his time tho’ I doubt it will last much longer. It is too rigid and unelastic to be permanent. The Church Government is too much in the hands of the clergy and the Theology is too fixed to bear the strain of the inevitable tendency of modern thought. Our Church of England is the same. No church with rigidly defined articles will be able to stand the violent theological upheaving which has set in and which will assuredly go on. Our Church of England is already rent into sections by it and will soon split up into 3 if not more divisions. The High Church or Ritualists, The Low Church or Evangelicals and the Broad Church or Comprehnsionists or as they are humoursously styled The Attitudinarians The Latitudinarians and The Platitudinarians.”