Our CPE group is made up of Jews (one CPE’er and our supervisor) and the rest are Christian (Episcopalian, Roman Catholic, and Methodist). Here is the quandary/issue for me: We try so hard not to offend that we deny the very center of our faith. Christians are encouraged not to proselytize – and that’s fine, but to some simply using the name Jesus Christ is proselytizing. So, we do not pray in Jesus’ name. But, that is the same as having a Jew never mention anything about Moses – that means the books of Moses, the Law of Moses, and so very much of the Jewish faith. Likewise, the Muslim not being able to mention Mohammad – it just wouldn’t happen. So, why is there an expectation for the Christian to not mention or pray in the name of Jesus, etc.? To do so is denying the very core of Christianity in the same way as demanding a Jew not mention Moses or a Muslim not mention Mohammad.
There has to be a way of respecting one another’s faith without demanding the core of that faith is denied.
Respect and the Core of one’s faith