The convention is gearing up. I’m sick, so I’m not going to be able to do as much as I had wanted, but that’s life.
Have you heard of RINO’s? RINO’s are “Republicans in name only.” I have come across this term twice now and it is used by Religious Right Republicans to categorize all those other Republicans who do not agree with their beliefs. Now, according to them, if you are not a born-again Christian completely backing the agenda’s of the Religious Right, then you are not really a Republican.
Here is the second reference I’ve read from CitizenLink (Focus on the Family):

Andrea Lafferty of the Traditional Values Coalition, meanwhile, said despite Cheney’s statement, the Republican Party platform unveiled at next week’s national convention will strongly endorse traditional marriage. Still, she expects the convention itself to be contentious.
“This convention may turn into quite a circus,” Lafferty said. “With the threat of disruptive protests and a program overloaded with RINOs (Republicans in Name Only), there will be no shortage of clowns in New York.”
But Lafferty doesn’t think Christian conservatives should be too disturbed by what liberal Republicans have to say.
“Don’t be distracted by (California Gov. Arnold) Schwarzenegger or (former N.Y. Mayor Rudy) Giuliani or even the vice president,” Lafferty said. “It is what George Bush says that counts, and he has been faithful and fearless on this important issue.”

This is why I think this president and the Religious Right are so dangerous. The wedding of faith/religion/spirituality and nationalism never adds to either.