There has been some discussion on the House of Bishops/House of Deputies listserv lately on the change in the beginning of the Nicene Creed from the pronoun “I” to “We” in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer.
I thought this post below was good, not because I necessarily know enough to agree with his statements or not, but because of his differentiation between “assent” to belief and “a cry of the heart”:
Fr. _____’s response to the issue of the pronoun in the Nicene Creed points so clearly to one of my major problems with Western Christianity.
The common explanation is that, while the original form was for the purpose of defining “our” beliefs, participants in the Divine Liturgy must personally assent to the truths of the Gospel.
For him, as for so many of us, belief is “assent” not worship. Of course the Eastern Church can say “I,” because in the Divine Liturgy, the Nicene Creed is not a gate to the mysteries, a place through which one must successfully pass in order to enter and inner sanctum, it is worship. The Creed is a cry of the heart, not a statement of the brain.
Until we regain the sense of mystery and wonder Bill hinted at in his original post, we can continue to expect to be thus divided over issues of right “assent.”
Jeff _____