This, from a paper I got off the Web entitled Eschaton or Escape? Paul’s Two Ages vs. Plato’s Two Worlds by Michael S. Horton, quoting Nietzsche and his six stages of “the history of an error,” describing “How the ‘Real World’ Finally Became a Fable.”
“First, the real world was ‘attainable for the wise man, the pious man, the virtuous man.’ But then it was said that the real world was ‘unattainable for now, but promised to the wise man, the pious man, virtuous man (to the sinner who repents).’ In its third stage, the fable said that the real world is ‘unattainable, unprovable, unpromisable, but the mere thought of it [is] a consolation, an obligation, an imperative.’ Here is the Kantian stage, in which modern liberal theology developed.” This is a shame, I do think. Those who reside in the cognitive domain alone miss the essence of relationship between God and His creation (us) that resides most often in the experiential, the affective domain. They miss… Horton goes on, “Eventually, the ‘real world’ becomes totally irrelevant. Not even an obligation, the ethical residue finally evaporates and nothing is left. ‘The real world — we have done away with it: what world was left? The apparent one, perhaps?… But no! With the real world we have also done away with the apparent one!’ Elsewhere, he wrote, ‘I hate that overleaping of this world which occurs when one condemns this world wholesale. Art and religion grow out of this. Oh, I understand this flight up and away into the repose of the One.'”
Interesting, ah?